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Transport in zachodniopomorskie voivodship 2014

Publikacja zawiera informacje o sieci komunikacyjnej: drogach, mostach, liniach kolejowych, taborze transportowym oraz pojazdach samochodowych, przewozach ładunków i pasażerów wg rodzajów transportu oraz o przychodach i wynikach fnansowych w przedsiębiorstwach transportowych.
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Information society in Poland. Results of statistical surveys in the years 2011-2015

Use of information-telecommunication technologies in companies, households and by members of said households aged 16 to 74. Survey results comparison against EU Member States voivodships, kind of activities (sections and divisions of PKD 2007), size classes enterprises, ownership sectors
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Housing economy in zachodniopomorskie voiovdship in the years 2013-2014

The state of housing stock , basic data on dwellings (number of dwellings and rooms, usable surface), housing equipment installations. Housing conditions of population. Maintenance costs of the housing stock. The effects of the housing construction.
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Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship - 2015. Subregions, Powiats, Gminas

Contents of this year’s edition do not differ from the last one, only the way of presenting data by territorial division was changed following the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 31 December 2014 on the Nomenclature of Territorial Statistical Units (NTS). It is the first publication presenting the socio-economic situa-tion of Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship taking into account new subregions intro-duced on 1 January 2015. Data according to the division in force till 31 December 2014 are available in the Local Data Bank. Alike in the previous edition, a set of statistical data is grouped into 16 the-matic sections, preceded with general notes, presenting current results in as broad spatial terms as possible. Review tables in the beginning of the publication include major data on Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship in the years 2000, 2005 and 2009‐2014 as well as data on subregions and powiats in the years 2005 and 2014.
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