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Innovative activity of enterprises in the years 2012-2014

The following publication constitutes a result of surveys concerning innovation activities of industrial and service enterprises in the years 2011-2013 conducted in 2014 by the Central Statistical Office. These surveys were carried out within the framework of the Programme of Statistical Surveys of Official Statistics under items 1.43.02 – Innovations in industry (PNT-02) and 1.43.13 – Innovations in services (PNT-02/u). The methodology developed by Eurostat and OECD, and presented in Oslo Manual has been applied
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Statistical Yearbook of Maritime Economy 2015p

It contains comprehensive statistical information presenting the condition of maritime economy in 2014 in comparison with previous years. It provides information characterising maritime economy in the context of the national economy, along with statistical data on the maritime economy entities, working persons, employment, wages and salaries, investment outlays, fixed assets and finances, load traffic, flow of passengers and ships in seaports, maritime and coastal transport fleet and transport by Polish maritime carriers, accidents and sea rescue, ship production and renovation, sea fishing and fish processing, maritime training and education, as well as the protection of the maritime environment. Basic information on maritime economy in the international context is also included.
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Statistical Yearbook of Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship 2015

The main summary publication of the Statistical Office containing a set of information characterising standard of living of the society, the condition of environment and economy as well as data specific to the voivodship. The statistical data were grouped into the 24 subject chapters, preceded by review tables, presenting the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship against the background of the country as well as in the retrospective capture. Dane statystyczne zgrupowane zostały w 24 działach tematycznych, poprzedzonych tablicami przeglądowymi, ukazującymi województwo zachodniopomorskie na tle kraju oraz w ujęciu retrospektywnym..
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