
Zachodniopomorskie – May 2024
– Population (as of 31.12.2023) – 1631,8 thous.
– Average paid employment - enterprise sector - 189,7  thous.
– Unemployed persons regd. in labour offices – 39,1 thous.
– Unemployment rate – 6,6 %
– Average monthly gross wages and salaries in enterprise
    sector– 7429,25 zl
– National economy entities – 252,4 thous.
– Cargo traffic at commercial seaports – 2531,2 thous. tons
– Dwellings completed – 648
– Index of sold production of industry – 93,3 *
* Corresponding period of previous year = 100



Szczecin – May 2024
– Population (as of 31.12.2023) – 389,1 thous.
– Average paid employment - enterprise sector - 55,7 thous.
– Unemployed persons regd. in labour offices – 6,4 thous.
– Unemployment rate – 3,6 %
– Average monthly gross wages and salaries in enterprise
    sector– 8284,36 zl
– National economy entities – 75,9 thous.
– Cargo traffic at commercial seaports – 794,0 thous. tons
– Dwellings completed – 152
– Index of sold production of industry – 105,3 *
* Corresponding period of previous year = 100



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