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Housing economy in zachodniopomorskie voiovdship in the years 2011-2012

The state of housing stock , basic data on dwellings (number of dwellings and rooms, usable surface), housing equipment installations. Housing conditions of population. Maintenance costs of the housing stock. The effects of the housing construction.
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Environmental protection and forestry in zachodniopomorskie voivodship in the years 2010-2012

Wykorzystanie i ochrona zasobów powierzchni ziemi i gleby, gospodarka wodna i ochrona wód, ochrona powietrza, przyrody i krajobrazu. Działalność służb ochrony środowiska oraz sanitarno-epidemiologicznych. Ekonomiczne aspekty ochrony środowiska.
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Information society in Poland. Results of statistical surveys in the years 2009-2013

Use of information-telecommunication technologies in companies, households and by members of said households aged 16 to 74. Survey results comparison against EU Member States voivodships, kind of activities (sections and divisions of PKD 2007), size classes enterprises, ownership sectors
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Innovative activity of enterprises in the years 2010-2012

Statistics on innovation activities of enterprises presented in the publication concern the researches conducted in 2012, which cover the years 2009-2011. Unlike in the previous period 2008 - 2010, the studies were abridged version of the European Community Innovation Research conducted every two years aimed at ensuring the continuity of innovation analysis and providing data for domestic customers.
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