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Statistics in focus Statistcical Bulletin of Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship IV quarter 2019

Podstawowe wskaźniki charakteryzujące sytuację społeczno-gospodarczą województwa z zakresu rynku pracy i wynagrodzeń, cen, finansów przedsiębiorstw, rolnictwa, przemysłu, budownictwa i handlu i gospodarki morskiej.Przekroje: województwo, podregiony, powiaty, sekcje i działy PKD 2007, wybrane wyroby wg PKWiU, grupy COICOP.

Publication Statistical Yearbook of Maritime Economy 2019

Comprehensive statistical information presenting the condition of maritime economy in 2018, in comparison with previous years. Information characterising maritime economy in the context of the national economy, along with statistical data on the maritime economy entities, working persons, employment, wages and salaries, investment outlays, fixed assets and finances, load traffic, the flow of passengers and ships in seaports, the maritime and coastal transport fleet and transport by Polish maritime carriers, the maritime commercial fleet under the Polish flag, accidents and sea rescue, ship production, sea fishing and fish processing, maritime training and education, the protection of the maritime environment and sea tourism. Basic information on maritime economy in the international context will also be included.

Publication Information society in Poland. Results of statistical surveys in the years 2015-2019

Data and indicators in the field usage of information and communication technologies in public administration, enterprises, households and by individuals of age 16-74 being members of households. Results of another edition of research based on international methodological recommendations of the Eurostat. Comparison results of Polish survey with other European countries.

Publication Link Post and telecommunications - activity results in 2018

The publication contains statistical data for 2018 on the background previous years, characterizing performance results of economic entities which render post and telecommunications services, classified according to the Polish Classification of Activities 2007 into the section: 53 “Post and Courier Activity” and 61 “Telecommunications”. In particular, part I of the publication presents information on revenues, costs, financial results, current assets, employment, wages and salaries, and part II – on elementary post and telecommunications services and modes of communications.

Publication Knowledge-based economy in Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship in 2018

Data and indicators in the field of information society and science and technology statistics, concerning: use of information-telecommunication technology in enterprises, research and development activities (R&D), innovatvie activities of industry enterprises and in services' sector
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