Source: Statistical Yearbook of Szczecin – 2023
- 1. Municipal waste collected separately
- 2. Waste generated by the way of development in 2022
- 3. Population by sex and age in 2015, 2022 and 2060
- 4. Ageing index
- 5. Structure of population by economic age group
- 6. Population by economic age group
- 7. Non-workin age population per 100 persons of working age
- 8. Vital staistics of population
- 9. Deaths by seleted causes
- 10. Employed persons by sections
- 11. Structure of registered unemployed persons by age and educational level
- 12. Relative deviations of average wages and salaries in selected sections from the average wages and salaries in Szczecin
- 13. Dwellings fitted with installation
- 14. Dwellings completed
- 15. Education by educational level in the 2022/23 school year
- 16. Internal personnel in research and development
- 17. Degree of consumption of research equipment in research and development
- 18. Structure of construction and assembly production
- 19. Passenger cars by age groups
- 20. Road accidents by culprits
- 21. Cargo traffic in port of Szczecin
- 22. International passenger traffic in port of Szczecin
- 23. Municipal budget revenue by type
- 24. Municipal budget revenue and expenditure per capita
- 25. Structure of entities of the national economy in 2022