Source: Statistical Yearbook of Szczecin – 2020
- Major data on Szczecin
- Szczecin as compared with other cities in 2019
- Szczecin against the background of the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship and Poland in 2019
- Geographic location of the city
- Area and borders of Szczecin
- Administrative division of city and people registered for permanent residence in 2019
- Selected rivers and canals
- Lakes
- Meteorology
- Average monthly air temperatures
- Atmospheric precipitations
- General notes
- Councillors by sex and age
- Councillors by educational level
- Councillors by occupational groups
- Administrative decisions passed by departments of the Szczecin City Hall
- Activities of the City Council
- Complaints and motions lodged in the Szczecin City Hall
- Realization of selected tasks of Municipal Guard